Posted tagged ‘Ocean Shores’

The Snowy Owls of Damon Point

February 1, 2012

In 2006 I photographed my first Snowy Owl at Damon Point, just south of Ocean Shores Washington. What a thrill! Fast forward to the present winter of 2011/2012. We have been fortunate to have between 10-15 Snowy Owls at Damon Point since early December. Over the past few months there have been thousands of people who have been able to view the Snowy Owls. What a thrill! A spectacular hike with pounding surf and magnificent views including Snowy Owls.

Please enjoy a few special images from this area.

Mount Rainier

Early Sunrise Mount Rainier

first snowy owl

Typical Perched Snowy Owl


Sunset at Damon Point

Watchful Eye of the Snowy

Olympic Mountains and Snowy

Snowy and Magnificent Perch

snowy in flight

Snowy in Flight

Snowy Portrait

Pacific Ocean Last Light

During my outings there are more questions raised than answers given. The Snowy Owl irruption of 2012 is no exception. Examples are:  When did they arrive? Where did they come from? Why did they land here? Why do they come every six years? How do they know to come here? What do they eat? How many will survive the return trip?

Until next month.


Andy Rogers